
Extend news beyond the press office and deliver it to the world

TheNewsMarket has been a trusted source of brand news to media for over 20 years, and this year
our dedicated Paris Air Show news feed will be disseminating exhibitor press releases to thousands
of industry and national media around the world.

TNM Home page

Reach wide range of media outlets

What is TheNewsMarket?

Exceptional content deserves an exceptional platform

Our established news distribution platform is built to ensure brand news and content reaches the
right journalists around the world. It is a trusted source that media can browse and download from,
which also distributes news out to targeted media.

TheNewsMarket’s Paris Air Show feed will be a one-stop shop for media, housing press
releases, images, videos and audio for immediate access and downloads completely
rights-free and available in just one click.

tnm map infographic
story on phone
Targeting your news

Unlike a wire service, TheNewsMarket has a dual function: pulling in our loyal network of media
users who are sourcing content and pushing out client stories to new and targeted journalists
around the world daily.

Our clients are some of the biggest brands in the world. With your stories alongside theirs, you’ll
reach your core audience as well as a wide range of new media outlets.

Analyse your content

See which content resonates with built-in analytics

See how your content is performing with both at-a-glance analytics dashboards and deep data dives.


From views to downloads, sessions and more, your brand’s bespoke analytics’ centre will help you find hidden gems of data, understand what the media want and help make your stories perform better. Completely GDPR compliant and fully-secure.

Media Relations
Supported by media relations

Behind the scenes our team of expert Media Relations professionals will be a backstage press office, supporting your PR team by furthering the reach of your stories and handling inbound press enquiries.

TheNewsMarket features

Content Distribution


 One-click download

 SEO friendly

 Embedded assets

 Enhanced content filter

Browser notifications

Enhanced video player

 Dedicated Brand Page

 Promo panel

 Email notifications

 Enhanced IT security

 Analytics dashboard

 GDPR compliant 

 Multi-language fuctionality

 Media cart

 Social feed wall

 Distribution on