What do journalists look for when searching for content?

Content platforms and online newsrooms remain vital tools in getting a brand’s stories and content in front of the eyes of time-poor journalists (like me). But not every story is born the same. And there are many different factors that come into play when a journalist decides whether to cover a brand story or not.
Here’s my list of five factors that may sway journalists when they’re searching for editorial content to write and populate their online media publication.
5 – It may sound obvious, but we want news stories that are genuinely new and 100% legitimate. Digital newsrooms offer a trusted source of content directly from the ‘horse’s mouth’. It’s not second-hand or recycled or out-of-date or just plain wrong.
4 – Quotes from the C-Suite – preferably from the CEO or the most relevant executive. I’m afraid quotes from the CMO or a company sales executive just don’t offer the same gravitas to a story.
3 – A range of good quality images is essential for the online press. And please make sure they’re copyright-free. We really don’t want calls from an angry photographer or forced to take them down at a later date.
2 – A good business story often requires context, so easy-to-find company background information is essential. An online archive of downloadable imagery (C-Suite headshots, company HQ, product and manufacturing pictures) on your content platform also helps.
1 – Company contacts that actually answer our emails or take our calls. Communication is at the heart of what we all do, so it’s good to have personal contacts that are available to quickly answer questions or offer more background information on a story. Do make sure your online platform offers names, personal emails and phone numbers.
One more thing. Don’t forget the two ‘e’ words that always get the online press interested in covering your story. ‘Embargo’ – yes, of course we’ll respect it. ‘Exclusive’ – it makes us feel extra special.
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